Saturday, November 2, 2013
Mobile Home Insurance Coverage
Mobile home insurance is required which has been fairly inexpensive -about $250.00 per year is what I was paying or $30.00 per month. It is similar to home owner's insurance, but it's written specifically to meet the needs of owners of mobile homes.Coverage for these kinds of claims and lawsuits is called liability coverage. Claims might include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and even property damage. Coverage would typically include financial protection for the house, personal items, injuries incurred on other people for whom you are liable and additional living expenses. It also insures you while you are one the move. Coverages and benefits can vary dramatically from policy to policy and from company to company.Home owner's policies are designed to provide financial protection in the event of damage to your home, such as fire, lightning or windstorm. Your policy will also protect your personal property, such as furniture that is damaged as a result of a fire, or the theft of electronic equipment.Prices can be different from one company to another. The Insurance Information Institute recommends getting at least three price quotes on home owner insurance. Price too low and prospects doubt you're any good and you lose credibility. But if you're new to the market, how do you know where to position yourself for maximum results and success?Shopping for mobile home insurance is slightly different than shopping for insurance on a stationary home. The best home insurance is the one that provides you with the most benefits policy-wise. Shopping for mobile home insurance is slightly different than shopping for insurance on a stationary home. Although the coverages are similar, there are a few differences.Mobile home insurance is similar to home owner's insurance, but it's written specifically to meet the needs of owners of mobile homes. Your policy covers your mobile home and its contents and offers personal liability protection. It is also available from the company and this is available with a range of benefits. For example, free continental travel cover is provided as part of the policy which means that a family can have peace of mind when traveling on the continent.Mobile home insurance is often provided on an actual cash value basis, so significant depreciation can be a major concern for owners of mobile homes. The policy's coverage extends to the mobile home's equipment and accessories that were originally built into the structure.Mobile home insurance is essential yet few mobile home owners actually take it out. If you think about it, you are leaving a home that you actually spend very little time in completely unguarded and vulnerable.